The Temporary Manager formula is an efficient and sustainable response for those companies that feel the need to review their business model without excessive risks and costs.
“Customer expectations and behaviours have changed dramatically over the past decade. Organisations are expected to meet customers’ needs and expectations at every interaction, in return for customer loyalty. The ability to deliver this depends on the extent to which “Customer Centricity” is embedded within every single person in your business” Cormac Hughes (Partner, Strategy & …
In the past, the brand was identified by a concept often built up to create an ideal identity that the company wanted to represent and communicate to its customers. Today, however, the identity of a brand takes on much broader and more experiential aspects and relationships, sometimes even difficult to control. Brand is a complex …
In the previous article, we talked about what the Metaverse is, what its main features are, and what opportunities it offers for business. Let us now see how Marketing can take advantage of the opportunities of the Metaverse. Marketing in the Metaverse: challenges, opportunities and advantages We have mentioned that the Metaverse is a unique …
Metaverse has been talked about for some time now as the promise of a world that will allow those who populate it to live, create and interact in a virtual environment, just as real and meaningful as the real world. In short, a great opportunity for companies that will be able to equip themselves with …
Employer branding is not just a task that concerns HR managers, but a real brand marketing activity that involves employees, who can take on an important role in corporate communication, becoming actually brand ambassadors. What is employer branding and why it’s increasingly important for companies Literally employer branding means making a company very attractive for …
One of the most challenging decisions a company can confront is whether to diversify: the rewards and risks can be extraordinary. — Harvard Business Review In a period of deep market transformation and increasing digitalization, companies are facing important decisions for their future. In these times, adopting a diversification strategy means for a company to …
The Internet has changed everything. We expect to know everything instantly. If you don’t understand digital marketing, you’re at a disadvantage. — Bob Parsons Parsons’ statement is now acquired knowledge and assimilated by all. In the last 40 years, the world has changed at a speed unaccountable to any other period in history. The evolution of …